Idea Taxes
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Tax Deduction Finder & Problem Solver

Dear Client,

Our Tax Organizer is designed to help you maximize your deductions and minimize your problems in preparing and filing your tax return. The organizer is revised annually to be compatible with the ever-changing tax laws. The organizer currently posted below is primarily for the 2012 tax year, although it can be used for other years.

The organizer is provided in three configurations to assist you in collecting relevant tax information needed to properly prepare your tax return. Access any of the three versions by double clicking on the underlined part version description. The organizers can be downloaded to your computer where you can fill and save the information until you have completed collecting all of your information. After you have completed it, please forward the organizer (printed or digitally) to our office for immediate service. If you have an office appointment, you can print it out and bring it with you to the meeting. A word of caution: you can fill the organizers online and print them out. However, if you close the file, your data will not be saved unless the form is saved to your computer.

Once the completed organizer has been received, you will be contacted by phone, fax or e-mail with any questions, comments, or suggestions. If you e-mail or fax our office advising us that you have sent your tax materials, we will notify you of their receipt.

Basic Organizer – This organizer is suitable for clients that are not itemizing their deductions and DO NOT have rental property or self-employment expenses.

Basic Organizer plus Business & Rentals – This organizer is suitable for clients that are not itemizing their deductions and DO have rental property or self-employment expenses.

Full Organizer – This organizer includes the information included in the basic organizer, plus entries for itemized deductions, rental properties and self-employment expenses.

Business Organizer – Use this organizer for partnerships and incorporated business entities.

Prior Year Individual Organizer – If you are filing your return late, please use this organizer.  

Our firm looks forward to helping you with your income taxes! Please review the enclosed Income Tax Organizer and use to organize your documents.  

Please make sure you confirm your bank routing and account numbers under section entitled Electronic Filing and Banking Information. Due to IRS regulations, our firm must e-file your income tax returns. You can mail a check for tax payments or receive a check for tax refunds but your income tax returns must be e-filed. We will confirm refund or payment before tax returns are e-filed. 

You have four options to deliver your tax documents to our office:

  1. Mail all original documents to our office  
  2. Call our office to schedule a personal meeting 
  3. Drop off your documents at our office without a personal meeting
  4. Fax or Scan all of your documents and send via e-mail of fax 

Our office will return a copy of your tax returns and all original documents. 


  Austell, GA Office  
 Idea Taxes  
   5655 Powder Springs Rd 
  Austell, GA 30106
  p: (678) 671-4500 
  f: (678) 668-7947

Thank you for your business! 

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